Swimmers' Log Book



No late night partying for me last night as had to get up at dawn for early shift on the buses. We did all see in the new year though, even Heidi, and were mesmerised by lots of those little hot air balloon lantern things that some of our neighbours set off, along with the London fireworks on the telly.
Two highlights of the day - first was the lovely, luxurious bubble bath I enjoyed after work, second was an equally lovely impromptu pasta-with-Christmas-ham-and-cheese-sauce tea at Grandma and Grandpa's. We only popped in to see the new kitchen floor. Heidi fell asleep in the car on the way home and is now all tucked up in bed, (earliest bedtime all holidays) so I am settled on the sofa for a quite evening in front of the telly with Dougie, Chloe and Joe.
Happy New Year!

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