
By Poppy

Fresh Air . . .

Had a great Hogmanay with neighbours yesterday. Unfortunately our sitting room is very small and there was no chance of sitting five folk around our little table for a proper sit down meal, so I cooked and then we ran next door with it and ate at their house! I did forget the roast potatoes so had to send Himself back for them, but otherwise it went well! And an added bonus was that our wonderful kind neighbours did the dishes and brought them round all lovely and clean this morning! We had a super evening, watched the fireworks on TV and across the bay and toasted the New Year with bubbly.

We had a slow start to the day with croissants for breakfast in bed, watching the New Year's day concert from Vienna. A very relaxed way to get the year started! Then Ollie and I had a good refreshing walk round the cliffs and watched the snow clouds rolling in towards us. Only sleet when it got to us, and it didn't lie, but it was certainly chilly enough.

Have a super 2011 everyone and I hope it brings you everything you wish for.

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