
By ausmossie

And the Story Continues... Too Small, Part II

Scobes... I have had a lot of nice things said about my pictures but the comment that you left saying that you had read the story to your six year old was the best I have ever had. And so....

What happened yesterday (Part I). Completed by the second graduating class.

When we left the story, the seven animal farmers had planted the seeds, grown the giant turnip and farmers had tried to pull it out. Little Mouse had come along and offered to help. He (although today it was it was a girl) said he was STRONG and showed his muscles but they all laughed and said he was "TOO SMALL!"

Little Mouse (inset) said, "I can dig and dig and dig". The animal farmers watched and waited. Little mouse dug and dug and then when he was finished,

Mr Bear pulled on the turnip, Bunny pulled on Mr Bear, Piggy pulled on Bunny, Puppy pulled on Piggy, Cubby pulled on Puppy, Kitty pulled on Cubby and Baby Elephant pulled on Kitty and Little Mouse pulled on Baby Elephant. ONE... TWO... THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

And they Pulled the turnip out.

Little Mouse asked everyone "Am I strong?". All the animal farmers answered "Yes you are strong. You are VERY strong"

They all said "Let's go home now!" and so they the took the giant turnip home singing.. (why? I am not sure)

One, Two, One... One, Two, One.... One, Two, One...

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