As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Last Of 2010...

I'll start with my day. I didn't go to track because I heard it was going to be a snowball fight and I'd rather sleep. So I slept until 10:00. Then, I got out of bed and lounged around all day. At 6:00, I had two packets of instant oatmeal for dinner. Julie's at 7:00.

Me, Julie, Carly, Katie, Gwen, and Brianna were at Julie's house for her New Year's Eve party. We had a ton of fun playing Pictionary and Taboo. Me and Julie took a ton of pictures. When I see this one, I think "firefighter". I'm not sure why, but maybe it's just how I'm looking out into the distance...I have no idea what I'm saying. We watched the ball drop and toasted and all that jazz.

I feel like everyone makes way too big of a deal out of New Years. People use it as an excuse to either change something about themselves or to not change something. Let me clarify: People make resolutions. They change things. People also put off changing things until New Years, saying it will be their resolution. The way I see it, there's no reason that you should wait until New Years. You have the opportunity to change every day. If New Years was a different day, nothing would change. There's nothing special about January 1st that suddenly makes it easier to change. I guess it's just in our heads...

But, in honor of this day, I have a few resolutions of my own:

1) Become a better photographer
2) Make more time to read and relax
3) Get a job
4) Run faster
5) Be nicer
6) Take school a lot more seriously

See, all of these things could be done any day. Nothing about the new year will make them easier. Maybe I need one more...

7) Stop being an annoying downer that ruins everything for people

I'll have to work on that one...

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