Through Glass Eyes

By JailBird

Window to your Soul

I remember very clearly one day in class my teacher as you may know as "Mr_pooh" gave my class a poem. It was beautiful, it talked about how when someone ex. on the street sees you, you may just seem like any other person but if you look into your eyes they will see you for who you really are because your eyes window your soul and each soul is different.

I think that the only truthful part of some ppl is their eyes because eyes show so much emotion no matter how tough the face, how stern the look, one glance up to there soul the image of the man who stands before you changes you begin to see the the sadness he may be hiding of the worry they are trying to conceal.

To conceal the eyes is to conceal soul, the essence of who one is.

Ever notice when you watching the news, when the identity of someone is being kept hidden the eyes or the thing cover or blurred on the photo.

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