Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman


Over Christmas, I've had several conversations that have been along the following lines:

Them: "How's the training for Peru going?"

Me: "Er.... I walked home from work one day. 6 miles! In the snow."

Them: "Is that it?"

Me: "I've bought a hat. And a stick"

Them: "Oh."

So, mindful of how quickly May 6th will come round and having read through the paperwork from Macmillan again, I realise:

- I still have a lot of money to raise if I'm to get there

- I still have a lot of training to do if "Dead Woman's Pass" isn't going to live up to its name (seriously - who names these things?!)

So. Armed with aforementioned new hat and stick, I set off on a tentative training walk this morning. I live fairly near a bit of the Leeds-Liverpool canal and headed off for a walk along it, making sure to come back via a route that included two steep(ish) hills, not just one.

I was surprised to see much of the canal still frozen and you almost got a blip of swan-skating, but then I couldn't resist a bit of architectural grim :-)

I'll be making it a regular walk, going a bit further each time, as I enjoyed it and canals are excellent at providing blipportunities. I just need to remember the camera next time, rather than just the iPhone.....

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