Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo


A. is a beautiful and wonderful girl - and it is always fun to photograph her. Her joy shines through :)

This is my last day of vacation before heading back to has bee such a good break - I feel like a new person :) I have also thought a lot about how I can keep a better balance between work, photography, boys and isnt easy but I feel ready to attempt it again! The good thing is that I really do like all of these things that take up my time....all of it is good - just needs to be a little less stressful than this past fall.

BUT it is only 4pm....Im heading off to have dinner with S and G and their kids,

Have a lovely Sunday!

edit: I am taking Barrioboy's advice here and trying to convert this to a real black and white.....i would like to do more straight black and white- but I find it difficult. For example here I think the blues are too strong....I want the white whiter. Any good tips out there??? :)

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