Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Playing Ball

I've had such a fun afternoon. We went for a walk along the river and my owner wouldn't let me take one of my new bouncy balls because she said it would be too muddy. However, after we'd been walking for about 45mins we met two black labradors who had a brand new, orange, bouncy ball. I knew I was being naughty but I decided to steal it. Fortunately the labradors owners liked me. They said I was very pretty and invited me to play. We had a great time. The labradors owner threw the ball into the water and we had to race each other to get it and bring it back to him. I won every time! Well, I am a very speedy collie! I'm exhausted now though and Ann says I stink. She's dried me but she says if I still smell after I've had my dinner I'm going to have to have a shower??!!

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