I don't know where my slant first started but I remember playing with this building photographically many a Sunday ago when we lived in Sao Paulo. Here, I have introduced extra lines from the temporary New Year stands erected on Avda. Paulista because I liked the complexity that they introduced...and I also liked the way the top of the reflected antenna is shrouded in low cloud. I was also encouraged by seeing a pamphlet on the work of Walker Evans in the Museum of Modern Art of SP, who as well as doing some terrific street portraiture in the 1930s had some fun with buidlings, spaces and curious angles. Good to know.
For me, Avda. Paulista is up there with some in Manhattan as a street that impresses with its power and dominance. And maybe more so, as it is the highest ridge in the city; to think that only 100 years ago it was a model avenue laid out with villas and gardens.
We walked along it in heavy rain today after attending our old Presbytarian church, there was hardly anyone there because of the holiday season but it was still nice to say 'hello'. It's only the second time in six months that we've been to church but each time the service has included one of the hymns from our wedding service; today it was 'Be Thou My Vision'.
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