Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

Chicken, rice & mushroom soup

This is my very favorite soup. I think this pot is my best version to-date and I just winged it. I have probably made this recipe at least a hundred times now. When I first started making this soup I used a recipe and followed it to the letter. Then, I slowly started tweaking it. As I made it more and more often and knew the recipe by heart, I began to stay with the main ingredients and just not measuring closely and start making substitutions and additions.

Now, I just wing it! I didn't measure even one thing in this pot. I just threw stuff in until it looked right and tasted right. I added a new type of mushroom this time and it was fabulous! I am so type A, that completely free-styling an entire pot of food is an accomplishment for me. I like it! I think I will try it more! I have tried it before with marinades and such. It helped that I had made this soup a bajillion times, but the fact that I ended up with the best version of this soup that I have ever made makes me want to experiment even more! Yummmmmmm!!

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