It's Why A Bear Can Rest At Ease..
So, ahm watching the telleh.
Ahm enjoying themz on teh skreen, and watching themz babeis Polar Behrs, when all a bwoody suddenleh, teh MAJUR behr, Jumpz out and scarez mah wee furr bits off!
Ah bounzes offz teh, (mah own ) cherh, 10 pawz into teh sky and bounzes behind the sofa wherz teh hoomans are siiting!
As Ah Bounz Ah have the zenze to Shout To Bean "oi Bean tehres a Behr". Bean alzo Jumps 10 pawz into teh sky, and herz and mez hidez behind teh sofa!
Twenteh mins later, Me thinks, Ah will shneak out and check teh coast, but sadly thehr is now 2 skarey men on the Wall, and ah thinkz thehy is hiding teh behrs!
Kwite wot haz happened to teh hoomans ah doo knot no. Thehy is both sittingz, lafffing on their backs, and not watching skarey TV anymore!
So, I'm sitting watching the TV, on my very own chair. I'm really enjoying those little baby polar bears, when suddenly, the mother bear is RIGHT THERE in front of me. I jumped 10 paws height into the air, and dived behind the couch.
While I was jumping I shouted a warning to Bean, and said "THERE'S A POLAR BEAR", Bean, therefore also jumped at least 10 paws into the air too, and ran and hid at the other side of the couch.
We will not come out, for nothing.
20 minutes, later, I'm thinking about coming out, and have a wee peek from beneath the table... no polar bears, but two very hairy men (Oz and Hugh), I think they may be hiding the polar bears, so I'll stay here right now.
I have no idea what has happened to my humans, they are unable to watch they TV as they are laying on the couch, laughing so much tears are streaming down their faces!
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