Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Grande Circuit - Day 7

Oo, today was a toughy. We came down the valley from Glacier Grey and pushed on another 8kms on very tired and achy feet to the next campsite bypassing a perfectly nice looking campsite on the way! This was to avoid us having a really long day on the 25th. We arrived at the campsite at the foot of the Valle des Frances about 7pm, cooked some pasta and then had to wash some clothes in a freezing cold river - water straight off the glacier further up the valley whilst the howling winds whipped spray off the river into our faces. Brrr! There was no way we could carry clothes for 10 days so we had some travel wash and have been rinsing things through as best we can as we go along. Blipped this as I turned round from the river - beautiful evening sunlight despite the cold!

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