Framer's Intent...

By Scrybe

I Is Like Soopah Organised, Innit?

Well, it's certainly starting to feel that way. I even remembered not to break my new year's resolution to take a photo every day! Phew! It was a close one. And that fully explains why you're getting a shot of my photo area - books and misc stuff below. I might reshoot later in the year as I plan to have more stuff on display, heh heh.

I've just been doing some tidying and whatnot and came across some To Do lists from last year - it surprised me (in a good way) too see just how much I've accomplished. I'm very good at remembering all the stuff I don't get around to doing, but I think I should give myself a little credit for the stuff I do manage to pull off. I'm not quite the reprobate I think I am.

That said, I did blow through an entire 2 hours watching David Mitchell on tv today. What? He's funny. And I have a tendency to agree with his middle class rants...I guess I'm also not quite the working class ghetto kid I think I am, either. Damn.

Right, I'm off to enjoy an evening snack of ceylon tea with smoked salmon and cucumber sandwiches. As you do.

See you anon!

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