A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

First walk of the New Year

This may well be the start of a new regime for me- friend Corinne is very keen to get me out walking now that I am retired and she is the someone I need to push me into it.
We just did a short walk around the St. Ives Estate of about 3 miles and Corinne informed me we took 25 mins per mile and she will have me up to 23 mins per mile by the end of the month! Watch this space.

This wooded estate houses some lovely walks as well as a golf course; Turf Research Centre; children's play ground; young disabled adults unit; Coppice pond and Lady B's tea rooms. There is also a riding centre and an archery. Great place for spotting nature's flora and wild life but in recent years wooden sculptures have sprung up dotted through out the estate to add a little extra interest.

This monk was one of the first and he never fails to give me a slight shiver, especially if I am walking on my own!

We are so lucky to have this facility literally on our doorstep.

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