Country File

By marypot


The sun shone today - must be the first time in over a week, and certainly the first time since all the snow disappeared. We've been in a foggy haze for a while, as has the rest of the country I believe. Today, then, seemed like a good day to get outside for a walk and blow some cobwebs away. Grace wasn't too keen on the idea as she was intent on playing with her Christmas toys and remarked 'Look out of the window. Can't you see, it's FREEZING'.

Wimp. ;))

Have to say she was quite right though. It was, indeed, FREEZING. But the sub-zero temperatures meant that there were lots of frozen puddles to jump on and smash the ice everywhere, or else to 'ice-skate' on.

It was the first time Ophelia has had a 'proper' walk outside in her new wellies. She's still a little unsteady in them as they're a size bigger than she is (wellies only start at a size 3), but that pink coat is coming in handy for her now, as it did for Gracie for a good couple of years. At the rate Ophelia is growing, I don't think she'll get the same wear out of it!

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