The Helicopter Pilot

R jnr was at the controls, mom and dad giving instructions and granny waiting for 'the moment' to snap it!! They were struggling for quite a while, but simply couldn't master the 'take-off'!! This time it lifted about 5cm from the lawn and I was there to immortify the moment!! ;-)

I suppose they will have to read some more manual and start trying again after it recharged! What a cute little helicopter model, I am sure once they've mastered the art of flying it, it will be played with vérrrrry often!!


I must tell you the rest of our story: R jnr and his dad went out just 15 mins ago, about 19:15, to retry, and guess what? They had a perfect lift of but landed quickly 'cause the wall was real close!! Hehehehe!! Will try it on the school's rugby field tomorrow - no danger of walls there!!

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