twa craws feet

By donald

The Young Man, The Electric Pylon, The Helicopter

A Young Man fell in love with a Beautiful Electric Pylon.
He wanted to tell her but she was a shy one.
Also he was only human sized and she was a high one.

He thought:

"A Helicopter is the only answer. But I can't buy one.
And even if I could, I don't know if I could fly one."

But then he thought again: "I'll be a sly one:
I'll sneak into an airfield and try one."

Which he did.

And so he flew (though nearly didn't) up to that place
where he thought he would see her face
but there was only an empty space.
Then he heard the tragic crying
of the Helicopter (while flying):
"This is not your true love: She's my one."

And so the Young Man saw the error of his ways.
He said, "Oh, Pylon, loving you was just a craze.
It was not true love, only a single phase.
I see now that your days
should be spent with someone also made of metal.
It is not warm flesh that lights your fire
but nuts and bolts and rivets and wire
so I'm going to go away home now, to try and settle."

So the Helicopter took him to the ground
and the racket of the Helicopter made everything pound
but the Young Man went away without a sound.

Then the Beautiful Pylon said to the Helicopter: "My Dove,
I feel so very much in love.
And I know we are together in the same groove
because whenever you are near I feel my metals move."

The Moral of this story:

Mistakes in love can so easily be.
It's happened to you and it's happened to me.
The only sure way to get over them is a good cup of tea.
But if you are of a metallic fettle
try not to fall in love with the kettle.

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