through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes

blurred puzzles

I found this sand bottle in my room last night and just holding it brought back so much memories.

Two years ago I was in Taiwan for the first time after 10 years in America and I felt like a stranger in my own homeland. I had such an identity crisis I thought it was hilarious (yeah, weird reaction. Don't ask :P). One of the souvenirs I brought back from Taiwan was this sandbottle (from Kending).

What I like about this picture is yes, even though the main object's not focused because of my little samsung point and shoot's stupid setting, I guess it kind of brings my message across. I gave my heart to Taiwan the moment I stepped off the place two years ago and honestly, I think God's calling me there. I don't know if it's for short missions or even for LIFE, all I know is, I HAVE to go back.

It's still an uncertainty as these are still a big puzzle board with pieces having to come together. Thus for the blurred object.

Money's definitely an issue, but hey,

God always provides.

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