I want a red deer!

Orla's still not herself today . Much better than yesterday, but she still obviously has a sore throat and woke up crying after a couple of hours in bed tonight soaked in sweat. But throughout the day she was mainly in good spirits. We went for lunch in the Red Deer, and told her that's where we were going. In the car on the way there she kept saying "I want to see a red deer" and "I want jingle bells". She wasn't buying the explanation that it's not Christmas anymore. She didn't eat much lunch, and we had a repeat performance at dinner. I made her a vegetable pie and she sat on a stool in the kitchen watching. Everything I put in it - tomatoes, mushrooms, green beans, carrot, onion and cheese - was met with a "mmm, yummy". But as soon as it was ready, she declared it was "yucky pie" and wouldn't touch it. How frustrating! All she wanted was chocolate cake, and very specifically chocolate cake (she didn't get any, but as she's not well I might make her one specially tomorrow). She also spent a bit of time with her Gran, Papa and Auntie Katie whilst her Dad and I took down the Christmas tree and did some tidying up. Apparently in Tesco's she saw some tops and said "Orla wants to try it on." My very girly girl!

At bedtime tonight one of her stories was the Gruffalo's Child. On every page, Orla points to the assorted animals and says "what's that?" On one page, there is a deer in the woods. She pointed to it, asked me what's that, and then said to me, "it's a red deer".

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