simple moments

By simplemoments

listen to this, lady...

i'm at the pond snapping pictures of really cute ducks... they are swarming around my feet - surprisingly unafraid as though they know they might be put up on blip today... all of a sudden i see this squirrel come running up... just bold as can be. and jealous - i'm sure of it. he's practically right on top of me...

he stretches up and looks me right in the face as if to say, "listen to this, lady..." like he has something really important to say... and is so much more impressive than little ducks could ever be. what am i to do? how can i pass that up? i am captivated. so he wins me over, the little rascal...

now i must go back for the ducks and apologize...make it up to them.

happy day.....

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