
By Sam

Self Portrait 1

I was reading an article about this whole 'take a picture every day' thing on the internet and there was an interesting idea in it I think I wanna try out.

I'm gonna try uploading a self portrait every month (on the 4th). I not a massive fan of taking pictures of myself so im gonna have to find some way to motivate myself to keep it up instead of just uploading an ordinary picture of the 4th of every month.
Consider it a new years resolution of sorts.

After a year or so, I supose it'll be interesting to look back through the pictures. We'll see.

I'd love it if others tried this too. Do it! Now! Please?

Oh and apologies for the horrifically lit shot and the incredible amount of noise my K10 produces. Even at like ISO 100, in a well lit environment, it creates noise out of nowhere!

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