Sunflower Samurai

By sonnenblume

Flying Bugz

Well Christmas itself may be over, but theres still a good few more days to relax until I'm back at work. I've been using this time to play around with Action Script (it's good fun), enjoying some alone time and getting to grips with the "Micro Mosquito" helicopter that Tia bought for me.

It's proven to be pretty hard to use, I can now get it to fly from A - B (providing the are no more than 4 feet apart), hover roughly on the spot and get it to land without crashing. The challenge is the fun though, and I've had such a laugh doing it. Cheers Tia!

Christmas day was grand, we all went to my uncles and ate and drank far too much. Boxing day was very much of the same. We had fun at Tia's too, watching Eve play the Wii and show her parents who was boss.

We went to see 'I am Legend' tonight which was rather entertaining, abiet an American 28 days later. Now its just time to sit back, watch the Secretary and suck on some Strepsils for my cough.

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