
By mattleach

Back to Work

Back to work today.

I was quite looking forward to it to be honest. Nice to be in 'my' space instead of spending time finding things to entertain the family! I love time off with the family but hate having to constantly do things. Why can't we just do nothing every now and again?

Been busy, busy, busy today, organising loads of stuff for the upcoming shows. This is how I like my working day. Makes it go quicker.

The only problem with this is that it's about a 5 metre walk into my office which kind of makes inspiration for a blip very difficult!

Williams back to Taekwondo tonight so the old routine has restarted! Oh yeah and William if you are reading this, ' GET ON WITH YOUR SOLAR SYSTEM PROJECT!' It'll be lucky if he gets it done in time to hand it it in, but he's had plenty of warnings!

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