From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

School Tomorrow!

I am SO glad school is back tomorrow. Honestly, the kids have turned into demons over the last few days!!

We went shopping to get a bit for Janes new printer to make it wireless; PC World, you know 'The Computer Superstore' had nothing that I needed to do the job I want. I know what I need to get, a print adapter, but all they had was a £109 wireless hub. I have a wireless hub already!!! So Janes posh-with-whistles A3 printer is still in its box.

After ASDA shopping we took the dogs for a walk at Kingmoor Nature Reserve. Child #1 was in a mood already, so stomped off by herself while we took pictures of the tree art in the rain.

Got home and child #3 decided it was her turn to be in a bad mood (again) and started her usual shouting at the world, but particularly poor Jane.

They are SO having an early night tonight!

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