
By spitzimixi

spot the chainsaw

as y'all failed to spot Jesus yesterday*, I thought I'd give you an easier one today. The first one to spot the chainsaw gets to make me a coffee. Generous prize eh?

I'd tell you all about my day but, to be honest, it was so utterly boring that...unless you're interested in a full working day of research into what data is available on the subject of the common agricultural policy and environmental service indicators? If you are, please feel free to come and do my job for me.

Got home, via parent-teacher talk, to find that Mr. Spitzimixi had cut up all the bits of tree we got from the forest yesterday. I think they're not dry enough to burn. So does he. So, we'll get a load of logs from our neighbour again and save these for next year.

Other than that, I booked some hotels - one for a spa weekend for me n him and one for a weekend in London, for me :-)

* I did too

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