My Love..Photography.

By brendanegan09

Oh Hey Mr. Green!

Couldn't figure out what to blip today, but then i saw this wire frog that i bought in Africa Disney. My title is about my global teacher; just like this frog, he is very wiry.

Today was fun. We had a test in Bio which I think I did good on. Then I started my art project which is printmaking a horse. Right now we are drawing it on linoleum and mine is starting to look pretty good. I actually took the picture I am using which I am very happy about. Math was pretty boring. We were supposed to switch seats but I don't know what happened because we didn't. In English we started our critical lens essays (which I had no idea what we were doing) so I finished outlining. Whatever. Drama was fun. We completely changed our scene's setting idea but I like it so much more :) And then came global. As usual we really didn't learn much and we were really just asking about the point of some building in Mecca that people aren't allowed in(well we don't know if people are because our teacher didn't give us an answer). Then I went to extra help for art because I had to finish my "French Quimper" paintings. Even though it was hideous my teacher somehow loved it. I am MUCH better at photography. I was very upset because we didn't have track practice and after last night, I really need to work on my hurdle steps. I guess there's always tomorrow.

Quote of the Day: "Que sera sera; Whatever will be will be" -The Man Who Knew Too Much

Song of the Day: I Just Wanna Run by The Downtown Fiction

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