pics from knee height

By babymcdawg

if only....

well i got dragged to the shops with mummy and daddy today. wasn't all bad got to have lunch at waggamamas (daddy doesn't really like it there but he is so nice that he goes along with it to keep mummy and i happy.)

watched dad get wound up at the stupidity of jessops camera shops selling system. and then we went to see their friends new baby. he is called ben. he was sick on his mummy while we were there which was funny. also scored a late christmas present as we hadn't seen them before christmas to exchange gifts. so i now have a nice new pink bag and matching purse. i'm sure daddy will give me some money to put in it.

so this is todays pic. taken inside the shops at jubilee place. this is part of the grotto santa was visiting for a while. as the title says, if only this lolly was real.....

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