Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

The holidays are over...'s back to school for the kids tomorrow and work for made sure today counted:-)

Started off with a run, felt a bit better this morning than I did two days ago but that was most likely down to the pace I had to adopt this morning as the pavements were ice everywhere. Managed to slip my way around without landing on my posterior but it was a close call on a couple of occasions.

We then all headed to the cinema to see Gullivers Travels in 3D. It was a good movie enjoyed it but not the best 3D experience. We then had a late lunch at Frankie and Benny's. Followed by a wee dander into Stirling to exchange a couple of Christmas presents that were of the wrong size for the recipients.

We used this bridge when we were walking to the town. However, we took the long walk balk to Forthside as the elevators are still out on the new bridge and it aint easy lifting Lord Fangle in his buggy up and down the stairs:-(

Heading up the stairs now to get them all bathed and in bed early...the alarm clock going off tomorrow morning is going to be a rude awakening for us all...

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