Emma Kathryn Luther

By luther


"Some people are settling down, some people are settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies." Sarah Jessica Parker

This is something I've been thinking about for a while as increasing numbers of my friends move in with partners, get engaged, married, have babies, get puppies and kittens etc etc

I have none of the above.

I'm beginning to think being single for too long takes its toll on your sense of self worth. You start to wonder if you're living in a parallel universe to some of your friends because their lives are so different to your own. And you begin to wonder why it is that no one values you the way their partners do with them.

I went out on a date last week and was told by my date I was fussy. The last two guys I was meant to go out with have been flaky to say the least.

Sometimes the thought you might ever meet anyone who would make a suitable partner seems like an utterly impossible dream.

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