
By stravaig

Houston we have a problem.........

With some artistic licence the shuttlecock looks a bit like one of the old Apollo space capsules. We had the 'Houston we have a problem' moment today.

Having visited our local sports centre in Dec to try the climbing wall we noticed that badminton courts could be hired. Undaunted by the very long passage of time since we last played (I'm talking decades here!) we bought some badminton racquets and shuttlecocks at the weekend and booked a court for this evening. As we were getting ready to go we realised that apart from possessing training shoes, we did not have any suitable togs for playing badminton. Too late for the sports shops hence the 'Houston....' moment. Solution? We played in old T shirts and walking trousers. Not quite sports fashion but we got away with it. Must have looked mighty odd to others though.

We enjoyed it. Very rusty of course and I noted the number of times my brain would say to the legs ' move over there quickly' and the legs inevitably retaliated and won with a 'no chance'. The mind was indeed willing and the legs were indeed weak. Ho hum - maybe the co-ordination will improve next week as we've booked a court for another attempt.

A further by-product was my face being red and hot - probably generating enough heat to power a small town for a week.

Time for a large refreshing drink. Hope you like the lunar shuttle photo because that's the closest I got of it today.

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