
By Jostijn


All you need... water...

Bleh, I am sick again...
I hate it.

But I was surprised that just one glass
of water gives just a wonderful reflection.

In 1999 I was in Ireland (Galway) with
only my backpack. Just two weeks camping
and travelling. The last week I met some
Belgian people who I had a lot of fun with,
and on the last night we went to the pub.
When I finished my pint of Guiness I was
bold enough to put the glass into my
backpack. Like a travel trophee. :)

I still have it, and it reminds me that it is
good to travel, and it's not scary to go alone.

Last summer I didn't have the chance to travel
anywhere and I hated it! I need it, so to get
some more perspective on the world. And of
course to meet wonderful people and see
wonderful places.

The countries I've been to (apart from Europe):
Thailand, Costa Rica, Turkey, Morocco, Jordan,
Kenia, Tanzania (including Zanzibar twice) and

The countries I want to go to in the near future:
Brazil, Mali, South Africa, Ghana, United States
and Japan.

So, I'm looking forward to it! :)
But first, drinking some more water. I have to get
better first...


By the way, I tried out some tethered photography
today. And I love it! Taking pictures and see it in
Lightroom directly on big screen! Not having to worry
to wreck my memorycard again.

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