
By Instography


Like many people it was time to drag myself back to work this morning although in a truly childish piece of denial we stayed up late watching Bond films, making the holidays last a couple of hours longer. Suffered for it when the alarm went off at 6.30. Stupid long queue at the train station as well as everyone needed to renew their season ticket. It would be silly to think that Scotrail could have anticipated that and had a wee bloke with machine. God no.

Mandy and Ewan came into town so that Mandy could get all her hair lobbed off and then take me for lunch, which was nice, although it did mean that no photos were taken all day. Still, I had a plan that the new hairdo could be practice for some portraiture. The ratio of good to acceptable to downright dreadful suggests that the decision to sign up for the Still portraiture workshops later in the month was probably a good one. I'll maybe need to put in some more practice before the day.

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