alice's adventures

By aliceblips

New Year's Revolution

Only two made it out of their pj's and out of the house today. That left three pale and shivery pyjama wearing people in the house, all day LONG.

After a hearty and speedily eaten bowl of cereal, Finlay started to demonstrate the most extraordinarily vigorous exercise routine. Just watching gave me a sense of motion sickness, can't imagine how the bowl of cereal must have been feeling battling its way down a very up and down body. Press ups, leg ups, arm ups, jump ups, jump downs, spins and a variety of other ungainly movements.

Apparently at school they talked about new year's resolutions and all made one, his was to get fitter. This is a 9 1/2 year old boy with the body and physical stamina of an olympic athlete. He even has a mini six-pack.

He told me very casually that this was the beginning of his New Year's Revolution.

He'll probably change the world.

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