A Sasanach's Skye photos

By Sasanach

A view southward over the pontoon gangway.

Today turned out to be a lovely sunny day. I spent much of the morning sorting out my paperwork for my latest VAT return. Afterwards I was able to take these papers to my accountant and then I was free to take some more pictures. I say morte because wherever I go my camera is with me.

I took a lot which always makes choosing one so very difficult. I look at them and have my favourites but I ask myself which one would you most like to see. Well I'll be honest today7 I couldn't decide so I have uploaded some into an album in my folio which has todays date. I had to decide on one to place here before you which is a view over the pontoon and gangway looking south towards the Red & Black Cuillins.

As I say if you are interested take a look at my folio. I have removed the ones of New Zealand in order to make space for these.

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