While on my runs

By waipushrink


Today, I had a very slow start. Decided against a morning run; I am on holiday after all. Cruised out with the delightful S to replace the broken coffee plunger and salt grinder. Also found a great bargain price on a history of New Zealand for the older (historian) daughter. then headed to a local "antique" dealer, set in a barn on an old farm nearby. I found a really neat old compass and dividers set in a box (made in Shanghai, and not recently); bought it, even though the eldest grandchild is not yet 7, as I would have loved it when I was young.

Tried to get an interior shot, and did in fact quite like a picture of a set of shelves containing whole rows of wooden wood planes. Part of it looked like a job lot out of one or more secondary school woodwork departments of 50 years ago. A bit of cropping and it looked pretty good to go as my blip for today.

Also bought a bone handled silver plated knife. Just because we used to have those when we were young, and indeed had a number as young parents, because we liked them.

Just before we left the Red Barn (as it was called), I noticed the old cattleyards, and loading ramp/race from when this was a working farm. Made from undressed rough sawn timber which is now lichen encrusted, they looked just like the ones on my father's dairy farm when I was very young. Knowing him, probably less lichen. Because he rarely sent grown cattle away from the farm (the male calves were handled very differently), the most use the ramp had was when my brother and I played on it.

Mid afternoon, I had my obligatory (as it is again becoming) daily run, and none of the photos I took is worth posting. Later this evening, after a delightful dinner on the deck with my brother-in-law, sharing a bottle of local red, I captured a brilliant sunset.

However, following a day of memories, this is my blip. I hope you like it.

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