Compost Mentis

By megatonlove


Against my better judgement, this is the person who hates being in front of a lens. That would be me.

No, I haven't suddenly worked out how to use the self-timer on my camera. This was taken by my friend B who stopped by to bring us some apple juice from her garden and ended up playing with my camera. Sneaky thing.

Anyway, there are a few things I like in this photo:
- the big fat New York Times Cook Book, a Christmas present to myself
- my old green tea cup made by a long lost potter friend in the Philippines
- the deep blue Moroccan shesh wrapped around my neck, a present from B's mum
- my chunky Aran jumper, knitted by an Aran islander in her nineties whose Gaelic lilt still rings in my ears.

And, yes, I love my gray hair too.

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