Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo


This evening the boys and I went skiing - first time this year. It has been snowing most of the day - and the temperature is perfect, only -3 or was beautiful and fun to have the skis back on :)

It was, however, not easy getting a night photo while skiing with 2 boys (Who are both faster than me :) When I got home I went out again and tried to get a better photo but I really need to get a tripod for some long exposure is just gorgeous outside right now and frustrating not being able to capture it properly.... but fun trying :)

My dad was sweet and sent me an article by Joyce Carol Oates from The New Yorker - I wrote my thesis on her short stories some years ago - this piece seems to be more autobiographical -----Im going to crawl into bed and see what it is about - lovely! Thanks Dad :)

Have a good night all!

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