Me, Myself and Catherine

By cspeakman

Feeling Better

Sunrise over Lingmoor, Lake District.

The view in the other direction is strikingly different - significant new snowfall in the last couple of days has plastered the hills at the head of the valley. The various mountain weather forecasts I use seem to have been having severe difficulties predicting the weather of the past couple of weeks - today was no exception. Shortly after this picture the cloud came down and it snowed all day above about 400m. A little different to the forecast of clear blue skies. Mind you - I'm not a blue sky fan, clouds are far more interesting, even if the navigation does become more mentally taxing! Thereafter followed a fantastic long walk over Bow Fell in full winter condition. Just what I needed.

So relieved the antibiotics are kicking in and yesterdays toothache has become bearable!

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