110 points
This is Fred clearing the letters off the Scrabble board after I won the first game of the year. I'm immensely proud of my 110-point "Squirmed" - a 7-letter word on a triple. Get in! Mwah-hahahaha. Fred had the first 7-letter word of the game, but it couldn't compete.
It was good to switch off the laptops and play Scrabble for the evening. I read my book while Fred contemplated his next move. It's also good to have a bit of reading time that isn't work. I hope to read more this year. I have to really, since no more books can fit on the shelves and I have to read them in order for them to move on to bookshelves elsewhere. Unless I really love the book and will read it again - only if those two criteria are met can the books stay on the shelves once read. Except perhaps if a friend gave me the book, or if it has a nice cover, or some kind of sentimental value, or...
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