
By Amalarian


The day offers yet more wonderful opportunities for misty, wet pictures. The mist is doing beautiful things today. It is advancing and retreating, curling and twisting, engulfing and revealing. Huge rain drops are hanging from every leaf. All I want to do is run, screaming.

I searched the house for bright things. Bowls, jugs, pretty plates and I photographed all of them. In the end, these slightly ratty flowers won the toss for cheer.

Update: Mists at 5 p.m. They look better this colour. Mists retreating at 5 p.m.

For the record: It is +12 C degrees and humid. That's far too warm for January. Nobody seems to have recovered from the holiday yesterday, especially not the postino, Marco. He is a very annoying man because he is always cheerful. That's probably because he never puts in a full week although he is supposed to do it.

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