Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

10 euros worth.

Sarah wanted some saffron and some brandy, so a trip to Carrefour produced a good result. Saffron over here is quite cheap in comparison to the UK, hence her request.

We had a 'toys out of the pram' incident at the golf club today. We play in the Vega Baja league, and one of the pairings is a husband and wife, she has been dropped from the next game because she is not playing particularly well. Her husband however, has been chosen, so today when the team sheet went up for the game next week, she threw a 'wobbly' because she had been dropped and because she was dropped her husband said he was not playing. He is supposed to be our team captain for next year, we have our AGM next Thursday so it will be interesting to see if he is voted in, I think not!!

Why can't people be grown up and accept decisions, even if they don't like them.

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