Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot

Snow Day and a Half

Snow Day here and it's been solidly snowing since early this morning. Love it!

Haven't loved the minor dramas of the day which have included a daughter wandering off from the sledging hill and getting lost in the woods, accidentally setting all the ground floor sprinklers off in the house after forgetting to open the chimney properly, and culminating with the fire brigade arriving at the front door, expecting a full on fire. Just one of those days.

So, after all that drama, I've blipped a more peaceful part of the day, Ozzie exploring the snow covered deck. The tree is my Christmas tree, still waiting for me to throw it off the side and then drag it up to the road for the bin men in an attempt to not be sweeping up pine needles until summer. Another job which should be done in about 3 weeks! ;)

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