pics from knee height

By babymcdawg

yay, the beach........

or as good as it gets at brighton. i know i'm only 3 but the beach at granny's has sand, as do all the other beaches i have been to. so how come they pass of this giant cat litter tray as a beach? water meeting land does not a beach make.
sorry, starting to sound like McDawg.

as i said we went to brighton today. so i took a pic of the seafront while i was there. it was a bit cold to stand and take too many but dad didn't seem to notice it.
got to ride on the carousel on the pier with mummy while daddy went a bit snap happy with his new toy (he seemed to get a bit tense when i went near it, hmm i wonder why?)
finished off with some italian food for dinner then the chauffeur drove me home while i slept.
am now being a bit nippy by not going to bed and when they do get me in there i just sneak back out when they're not looking. oh well i better go as dad wants to post his blip and i've got a few more hours of mayhem still to cause.
night folks

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