Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Times before the internet

A dark day and no blip made apart form copying some of my past - pa with me in a postal bag and ma with my sister on her lap. Pictures of half a century ago, for the parents of my parents then to show them that their offspring manages ok in the far off tropics. There was no webcam then, no skype no intercontinental phonecall no spoken letter on casette no e-mail...... Just letters, written on the light airmail paper and a photograph sent on special occasions or a spoken word in voicerecording on a 56 EP disc. The mail would travel fast by air, which costed a week at the least or it went slow by boat, what meant travels of some 3 months. Intimate thoughts and facts of life were travelling across the world like in slow motion and often we'd continued life as the news was old at arrival. Like scatterd over the world, as if in diaspora, family and friends lived far out and even now some still do - the internet would have been welcomed by us all earlier on! Nowadays being miles or even continents apart from one another we can be besides one another as sender and receiver on instant. How Wonderful the internet is!

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