Swimmers' Log Book


Bus driver's view

Ok, I admit it, I'm struggling with this whole blip thing. I love the idea, and just wish I could take good photos, but I can't, and that, coupled with the fact that I'm rubbish with words is not boding well for me. Yet still I feel strangely compelled to come up with something each day, and each evening I am convinced tomorrow's efforts will be better. Which they invariably are not. However, I am doing this as a kind of therapy, and until now have desperately tried to avoid being negative.

So, something positive to say about today...

I didn't get caught attempting to take photos with itouch while at bus stops- I fear it would be frowned upon.

Someone on Casualty came in with a GCS of 10. (maybe not so positive for them, but made me smile a knowing (well, half knowing) smile). Maybe tomorrow I'll look up the details of the scale.

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