My world through my lens

By CatherinePound


So as promised... here's something completely different! Not a little cherub face in sight!! (though it wont be long till she's back in the frame - give it till tomorrow! hahaha)

The inspriation for this came to me last night while drinking a glass or few of wine! Of course we finished the wine and so as not to waste any by opening a new bottle, I've used sherry for the blip as that bottle was open! I quite like the honey coloured liquid though anyway... so I'm pleased with the result! The sun is out today and streaming into our kitchen this morning so I was excited to take pics!!

Thank you so much for all the lovely comments yesterday, I'm being encouraged to push myself and learn more thanks to the lovely support you all give.

Today requires a trip to the grocery store... not exactly exciting.. but we need food! *tummy rumbles at the thought*

Until tomorrow!

Catherine xx

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