A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


Last night we entertained friends to supper and today we have had our Annual Music Group lunch in the local pub.

The music group has been defunct since 1996 when we did our last show -'My Fair Lady', generally through a lack of willing men. Some people joined the Players, the village group from which it originally sprang and others just called it a day. We used to go out to dinner in early January but as many ex members are now elderly a lunch seems to go down best. It is always a very pleasant if rather small affair and today was no exception.

So to 'leftovers' - this is chocolate raspberry pudding cake left from last night. It is a very rich and gooey chocolate, coffee cake with a layer of raspberries. It is served warm with more raspberries and creme fraiche.

Oh dear we might just have to eat it for tea!!

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