Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

**stretch, yawn, wipe eyes,
prepare to moan, struggle to sit up,
****big yawn again,
go to grab minnie mouse,
ready to launch in disgust,
at whichever parent goes to grab me,
Hang on that's a funny foot....
eek it moved,
**rewipe eyes, look again,
pout, frown,
Woahhhh hang on,
since when was I sharing my bed,
OMG its megan!!!!! yay!!

(our friends turned up, when fernie was sleeping,
we decided to wake her by placing megan, in fernies cot,
fernie started to grumble, as per norm, but as soon as she saw megan,
we got the insane grin captured in this shot!!! collage of shots!!! how to excite fernie! whilst megan being the laid back baby she is, just sat there as to say,What...is...that....bedraggled mess you have placed me beside!!!)

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