My happy little life

By khoola


Ridiculously productive Sunday - went swimming with kids, running with Phil and baked cookies with Jamie. Congratulated myself on being rather clever mummy. Till bedtime.

Conversation with Jamie half an hour after he went to bed (from the top of the stairs)
"Mummy I've had a poo - can you check my bum?"
"It looks great Jamie, go back to bed"
"Will you take me back to bed?"
"No, you can take yourself back to bed"
"Can you make sure my door's open, just a little bit?"
"No, you can do that, go back to bed"
"Please could I have a kiss and a cuddle?"
(heart melts a little bit, I cave and start walking upstairs to meet him at the gate)

(as I approach the top of the stairs, Jamie runs into his bedroom)
"I'll have my kiss and cuddle in here please mummy"

Been had. By a 3 year old.

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