
By FauxPunk


Kinda frustrated with myself that I forgot to take this pic before we went to Trudian's yesterday, as it should've been yesterday's blip! NM, gave me something to do today!

Today we had the joys of Tesco... we try to do our shopping on a weeknight to avoid the madness of weekend day-time, but in fairness it wasn't too bad. Mathew found a couple of new recipes he wanted to try, and they looked good so the emphasis was on finding the stuff for them. Sesame seeds are hidden in strange places in Tesco. They were also out of pre-packed Tuna steaks, and the stuff at the fresh counter looked... less than fresh. All dried out and skanky manky looking. We decided to dash home and try Morisons on the way past... they didn't even have a gap on their shelves for it, and there didn't seem to be any fresh stuff either, so we decided to have one last stab at finding it in the other Tesco which was also on the way home (we don't use this one for our main shopping as it's too wee and boring!) They had none either, so we decided to pick up some frozen stuff... so that's in the freezer for later in the week.

Tried new recipe no. 1 - sweet potato chilli. It was OK taste-wise, but didn't really feel like a proper meal, more like it should be an accompaniment to something more substantial.

I started playing Football Manager 11 (a Christmas Present) yesterday... today I got stuck into playing my first few games. Art is mirroring life (i.e. Hibs are playing rubbish in my game as well as the real world!). I have become somewhat used to being all-conguering and generally awesome at Football Manager 10, so this abundance of fail and lame in FM11 is extremely annoying!

Also had some online Mario Kart on the wii.

Ready to go back to work tomorrow... I'm kinda looking forward to getting back in the swing of things, but also daunted by the thought of the long days considering I'm still pretty knackered.

And finally! A decision has been made regarding weight-loss programme! Watch this space...

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